Removes welded dirt that typical glass cleaners can't handle!
- Removes dirt, oily residue and other stubborn grime to restore smoothness
- Removes water stains, smudges/wiper marks and other surface contaminants for full transparency restoration
- The ideal step to prepare glass before applying PerfectClarity™ Invisible Wiper Sealant.
- Apply to a clean, cool surface in the shade.
- Apply Glass Polishing Compound to a foam applicator (Soft Foam Applicator X3070) or towel and wipe glass surfaces with light to medium pressure with overlapping passes. Apply to one piece at a time.
- Remove residue with a clean microfiber towel. The product does not need to dry.
- After polishing the entire glass piece, use a glass cleaner (PerfectClarity™ Glass Cleaner G8224) to ensure that no product residue remains on the glass and the glass is clean. It can also be applied with a Dual Action polishing machine.